FS stories

Vikraw and Shaw Lohar - Badgaon, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India

P1010978 520Vikraw and Shaw came across friendship bands when their mum started learning jewellery making from Satchin, also an ex student of Swaraj university.

Vikraw and Shaw made bands with other friends while their mothers made jewellery.

Satchin is starting a business which empowers all involved - designer( himself), makers ( village women of Badgaon) and even the clientele - with whom he hopes to build a much different relationship to that found between typical vendor and buyer.

Ravi's gang - Udaipur, India

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Ravi is an ex student of Swaraj University and is working with assorted margnalised communities to empower them. He presently spends time with a bunch of youth aged 3-23, learning about their passions so that he may support them to learn what they need.

In this photo you can see Ravi's gang painting the shared space- part of a HIndu temple- where they gather. The young people were enamoured with friendship bands and proudly wore their creations.

We are hoping to send more resources to avail them of other creative opportunities. Feel free to contact Ravi at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Leandra, Quinn and Micah from the Netherlands

Leandra and Quinn go to the Achtsprong, an elementary school base don Dalton principles. Leandra is in group 6 and Quinn in group 4. There are 8 groups in the school. Micah is not at school yet he will wait till he’s 5. Our mum met juli g from Kinma in Germany and she told mum everything about the Friendship project. We hope we can get our friends in Spain and France involved in the project too.

Shikshantar Learning Community and Swaraj university - Udaipur, India

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Juli spent 3 weeks at Shikshantar learning community in Udaipur, India. There she shared friendship bands with the welcoming people who were so excited to make them; as they are excited to learn anything.

At Shikshantar you find people of all ages teaching each other. You find people sharing their skills and learning from all in the local village in which they live and those surrounding them. They explore how best they can all live in wellness; they explore their food, their shelter, their music, their humour, their conflicts, the conflicts about them in the village, in their country and some of the challenges beyond.

You will find a group of young in an alternative university – Swaraj university, where the students decide what they need to learn with whom and from whom supported by mentors of many generations. They have the rare opportunity to live together on a rural campus 4- 6 times over two years exploring just what it is like to co-exist with others in community and to do the deep work of coming to be with 'self'.

Above all at Shikshantar you will find open hearts, open hands and open minds; such a warm invitation to join in on a learning/ unlearning journey … visit sometime if you are in the neighbourhood … www.swaraj.org/shikshantar/ or www.facebook.com/pages/Shikshantar-Andolan/126196370730355

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Phu Nin orphanage, Vietnam

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Jake ( 15) , Ellis ( 13)  and Jackie ( their mum)  are Australians who are travelling in Vietnam sharing their generous energy and resources with some communities. A friend of theirs, Anna, has lived in these communities for a year, sharing friendship bands made by Kinma kids with the children.

They all made some bands together with the community at Phu Nin orphanage - 20 minutes outside of Tam Ky.

Read more: Phu Nin orphanage, Vietnam