
It is now constituted as follows:

  • The maximum number of Directors is ten and the minimum number of Directors is six.
  • The maximum number in any of the Director groups are:
    • Parent Directors - six
    • Community Directors - two
    • Expert Directors - two
  • The Board is responsible for the governance and management of the School. It is responsible for strategic direction and overall policy.
  • The Board delegates day to day management of the School to the Manager.

All parents are invited to read the Kinma Constitution. A copy is kept in the school office for you to borrow.

Kinma AGM

Our AGM is held annually in each year prior to 31st May. Please download the papers from past AGMs:

Kinma Board

The School Board manages the school and has a maximum of ten and a minimum of six Board members. Board membership is comprised of up to six parents elected by and from the parent body, two community representatives (people outside the Kinma community who are interested in education or administration) and two people with “expert” skills. The Board administers all aspects of the school.

Parents apply to become members of Kinma Ltd when they enrol a child in primary school or have had a child in preschool for two years. Parents who have had a child in preschool for one year can also make special application to become a member. The Board will consider applications for membership at the next available Board meeting.

Any member is eligible to nominate as a director. The elections for the parent members of the Board are held at the Annual General Meeting each year.

Kinma Board meetings are open to parents to attend, although sensitive issues (e.g. discussion involving individual children, fee payments etc.) are held in a confidential session at the completion of other matters. Kinma Board meets every month at the School. Dates for the Board meetings can be found in the school’s newsletter and in our calendar.

Kinma Board Members



Madeline O'Donoghue
P: 0401 621 623
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 Deputy Chair

Dylan Conley Board

Dylan Conley
P: 0435 276 515
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Nicholas Brischetto

Nicholas Brischetto
P: 0421 335 738
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Lesley Milbourne
P: 02 9450 0738
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Lucy Kaldor
P: 9450 0738
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Sarah Nicholas
P: 0413 187 008
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board amy

Amy Webster
M: 0434 806 014
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Martin Middlebrook

Martin Middlebrook
P: 9450 0738
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